Dogs bring us joy, love and happiness. But they can also teach us some valuable lessons.
Artist Landysh from the creative website Lingvistov has created a number of humorous illustrations to show us all what we can learn from our dogs.
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1. Enjoy the small things in life.
It is the little things in life that count. For dogs, it is sleep. Let them enjoy it – however necessary.
2. Spread your love.
You don’t need to just give one person our love; spread the wealth. Everywhere.
3. Take one for the team.
When it comes to helping out, always be willing to step in and give a helping hand — or paw.
4. Expand your horizons.
Be willing to try everything once.
5. Be someone others can count on.
There are times when you need to be a strong — and help friends through thick and thin.
6. It is okay to be indecisive.
You may not always get it right the first time, so try, try and try again – even if it drives people crazy.
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7. Let go of things.
Life isn’t always pretty. Rather than dwell on the ugliness of it, forget about it and focus on the future.
8. Be willing to go out on a ledge for someone.
Even if the ledge is small.
9. Sometimes you are forced to bite your tongue.
There are times when you may have to make personal sacrifices, but remember, there is always next time.
1o. Get your priorities straight.
Do things that make you happy.
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