Vet Serenades Scared Dogs at Office With Music

A man serenades a scared dog in a hospital room.

After see how Dr. Ross Henderson relaxes dogs, vets everywhere better step up their game.

In a recent video, the Lakewood, Colorado vet was seen serenading a dog named Ruby who was scared before a procedure by playing Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling In Love.”

Related: Study Unveils What Music Dogs Prefer

“Sometimes your patient just needs you to go the extra mile to make them feel comfortable when they’re here for the day to have surgery,” the hospital wrote in a Facebook post. “Dr. Ross has mastered the technique and sweet Ruby was so thankful for that.”

Sometimes your patient just needs you to go the extra mile to make them feel comfortable when they’re here for the day to have surgery. Dr. Ross has mastered the technique and sweet Ruby was so thankful for that ❤ #FoxHollowVet

Posted by Fox Hollow Animal Hospital on Thursday, April 27, 2017

The vet, who practices with his father and brother, is the musical one the family and has always been interested in both helping animals and playing tunes.

Related: Woman Calms Dogs at Shelter With Classical Music Concert

Henderson believes singing to animals helps them calm down and relax when they are in a new, unfamiliar environment. “Sitting with them, playing music and giving them a little attention seemed like it would helpful, and it has been,” he tells This Dog’s Life.

The sweet spot to serenade dogs is before or after surgeries. “Animals usually are first curious then settle down or sit down,” he says. “But I’ll be honest, some have the opposite reaction and get excited try and come up and lick my face.”

And while it works for pets like Ruby, the office cat is “immune to it,” while his own dog, Charlie, is tired of him singing, according to the Today Show.

But for Henderson, it is just part of giving back to our four-legged friends.

“They just love us like crazy,” he says, “You can’t repay for how much they give to us.”

Related: A Vet Explains: 8 Ways to Ensure a Calm and Easy Transition When Adopting A Dog

By Angela Helfrich

Angela Helfrich is the former chief business officer at This Dog's Life. Her past roles include executive director at Dooli, executive director of higher education at Fullbridge and higher account executive at Xerox.

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