Bored Dog? Here Are 4 Jobs to Give Your Pup At Home

Dog Giving Paw Teaching Jobs for Dogs at Home

If you share your life with an overly enthusiastic dog, you know what it feels like: A few minutes of cute doggy zoomies here and there can easily transform into a pup that’s bouncing off the walls all day long, driving everybody in the household crazy.

The truth is that while some dogs are perfectly content being couch potatoes, others need something to do. Indeed, certain breeds and mixes don’t do well unless they have a job: herding sheep, protecting your property, and going out to look for mice in the forest, among other tasks. And if a dog bred to have a job gets bored … well, he’ll go create his own job. Whether that turns out to be digging in your garden, eating the corner of your sofa, or chewing your favorite shoes, the result is the same: frustration on both ends.

This is when your dog may need a household job. “Teaching our dogs to help out around the house is not only helpful for us, but also provides our dogs with mental stimulation that helps to fulfill their needs,” says Tasha Shaw-Verbic, owner and trainer at Fearless Tails. “When we ensure our dogs’ physical and mental needs are met, we often find that their behavior also improves.”

And while some breeds might have obvious tendencies, such as retrieving and herding, Shaw-Verbic says it’s also important to know your individual dog’s preferences and what he or she enjoys. “For example, if your dog doesn’t often pick up things in his mouth, he might not enjoy retrieving,” she says. “Or if you have a dog that uses her paws or nose a lot, she may be more successful and enjoy closing cupboards more than one that doesn’t.”

Not only do these around-the-house tasks provide mental stimulation, but including your dog in activities like tidying up or getting his leash, improves your bond. “These jobs create opportunities for more engagement with you, which results in a stronger relationship between you and your dog,” says Shaw-Verbic.

Related: 19 of the Best Interactive Dog Puzzles and Games for Your Bored Pooch

For those pups needing mental stimulation and physical activity, here are four fun jobs to keep your bestie busy and safe in the comfort of your home.

1. ‘Work’ for Food

Once upon a time, dogs had to forage for their food. While your pup is probably perfectly happy to now get his food in a bowl, it doesn’t mean his instincts for foraging have disappeared. Making your dog work for his food is great mental exercise and provides an outlet for a very natural behavior, according to Shaw-Verbic.

If your dog is new to puzzles or treat dispensing toys, she adds you should ensure you make it easy enough for him to be able to enjoy it, then gradually increase the difficulty. “For example, you might stuff a Kong or West Paw Toppl with some wet food to start, but then eventually layer on other things like treats or dog-safe veggies and fruit, and maybe even partially freeze it to make the experience more challenging,” she explains. 

Related: Bored Pup? Here Are 15 Yummy Things You Can Stuff Inside Your Dog’s Kong — And Keep Her Happy for Hours

2. Open and Close Cupboards or Doors

Getting your dog to close cupboards or doors can be a handy job to have, and not a hard one to teach, according to Shaw-Verbic, who adds you can teach “close the door” by first teaching your dog to target a lid or piece of paper with her paw or nose, and then taping the lid or paper to the cupboard door to encourage pushing it closed. But, she adds, to be cautious of which cupboards you teach your dogs to open and close.

3. Ring a Bell to Go Outside   

Teaching your dog to ring a bell can also be taught using a nose or paw target. Once your dog is touching the bell, place it near the door where you normally take him out. Once he rings the bell, you open the door. Most dogs will quickly make the association between ringing the bell and going out.

“Don’t be surprised, however, if your dog also learns that ringing the bell gets your attention,” Shaw-Verbic says. “Some dogs will start to ring the bell to request you get up for something else, or just to go outside, even if they don’t need to potty.” 

4. Put Toys Away

What could be better than having your pooch organize his own toys at the end of the day? To teach this, you’ll have to start with a “drop or give” situation. Basically, when your dog has a toy in his mouth, you ask him to give it to you, or drop it, Shaw-Verbic says.

“Make sure your dog gets to have a treat immediately after dropping or giving, and then he gets to have the toy back right away, so it’s a fun experience,” she adds. Gradually, put your hand over the toy box so that he gets used to dropping it in your hand there. Eventually remove your hand so the toy goes straight into the box. 

Related: What’s the Elevator Game? Here’s Why You Need to Teach Your Dog It.

You will also need to choose a word that’s connected to what you’re teaching and repeat it during training. For example, if you say, “put away” and not use this command for anything else, your dog will eventually associate the words with putting the toys in the box. 

turtle dog toy

Who can resist an adorable turtle dog toy that is also eco-friendly? Made from recycled materials, the toy is perfect for chewers, fetchers, and wrestlers. The panels are woven together with double stitching and reinforced with a second layer of cloth while the squeaker is puncture proof, providing lots of fun for your pooch. 


Tips for Make Training Fun

No matter what you’re teaching your dog, here are some tips Shaw-Verbic shares to keep things light and fun.

Keep the sessions short and positive. Each session should be no more than three minutes. It’s better to train for a few short fun minutes once or twice a day than to try for 15 minutes and overwhelm your dog, especially when he’s learning something new.

Break down the behavior into small, individual steps. For instance, touch the cupboard door with nose is one step. Push the cupboard door is a second step.  

Build up your dog’s confidence. Alternate one or two attempts of the new behavior and then ask for something your dog knows well. For example, ring bell, then ask for a “sit.” Don’t forget to reward every time with yummy treats. 

turkey dog treats

Made from pasture-raised turkeys, these yummy treats are free from antibodies, chemicals, hormones, and pesticide. And with Farm Hounds, you know exactly where the treats are sourced, as the name of the small family farm is right on the bag. 


Always go at your dog’s pace. If after a few tries your dog isn’t catching on, stop the training and think about what you can do to make the step easier for them.   

Never punish your dog for making a mistake or “not getting it.” This includes physical corrections, but also getting frustrated, making faces, chastising your dog, or suddenly walking away. If your dog experiences learning with you as an unpleasant, stressful, or frustrating experience, she will be less likely to want to continue trying in the future.

In the end, remember that the key is always to keep things fun!   

Related: 5 of the Most Common Mistakes First-Time Dog Owners Make, According to an Expert

By Diana Bocco

Diana Bocco is a full-time writer and dog lover. She's certified in pet CPR, used to run a dog rescue group in Thailand, and currently shares her home with two rescue dogs. Her work has been published on PetMD, Animal Wellness, the Discovery Channel, and more. Find more on her website at

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