Dog Uses Her Painting Skills to Raise Money for Charities


A dog is spreading holiday cheer with her tricks. No, it’s not sit, stay or even jumping through a hoop. It is her ability to paint.

Named Chloe, the border collie is using her paint brushing skills to help other dogs and people in need.

The 3-year-old dog paints “abstract” pieces of art to raise money for various charities, including Ronald McDonald House and PAWS Adoption Center.

“Chloe has such an incredible spirit that can brighten just about anyone she meets!” says her owner Ashley Kallay. “I want to share that with as many people as we can!”

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Image Credit: Ashley Kallay

Image Credit: Ashley Kallay

Holding a brush in her mouth, the pup chooses her colors before she begins her creations.

“I will tell her ‘get a color’ and she goes and grabs one by the cap and pulls it out and brings it over!” says Kallay.

Chloe will then take to her canvas, moving the brush along the material. She also uses her talent to create art on metal, wood and even ornaments. Fifty percent of proceeds go to charities, with the dog having a number of art pieces showcased in her Etsy shop. (Each piece is around $50.)

Image Credit: Ashley Kallay

Image Credit: Ashley Kallay

Chloe wasn’t always a natural artist; it took a lot of time and patience. Initially Kallay was hoping to teach her dog how to hold an Easter basket with her cat Bella in it for pictures.

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“While working on getting hold to hold objects in her mouth I saw a video on Instagram of another dog painting and wanted to try it; we were already there after all,” says Kallay. (And no, the basket photoshoot never happened.)

Image Credit: Ashley Kallay

Image Credit: Ashley Kallay

Chloe learned in a series of steps, starting with her holding objects in her mouth. She slowly graduated to walking up to paper, touching it with her paint brush and finally, learning how to paint. Kallay also had Chloe work around groups of people in parks to help her focus – and also engage with the community.

Image Credit: Ashley Kallay

Image Credit: Ashley Kallay

“Oh my gosh everyone loves seeing her paint! We get a variety of positive reactions from amazed to laughing,” says Kallay. “A lot of ‘look at that dog painting,’ and “I’ve never seen this before.”

And as for Chloe giving back and helping others, Kallay says, “It has been such an honor to be able to help in the community in so many different ways and raise awareness for organizations that are working so hard to help those in need.”

Related: Artist Enlists Wiener Dogs to Raise Awareness About Social Inequality

By Andrea Huspeni

Andrea Huspeni is the founder and CEO of This Dog's Life. Her mission it to help dogs live a happier, healthier and longer life. When she isn't working, she spends time with her two dogs, Lola and Milo. She resides in Brooklyn, NY.

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