Check Out the Underdogs: Stunning Photos of Dogs From Underneath


A photographer gave a whole new meaning to the word underdog.

Andrius Burba of Lithuania has just released a series of photos titled “Under-Dogs,” in which he photographed dogs from, you guessed it, their underside.

Inspired by a previous series called “Under-Cats,” Burba photographed dogs in a similar fashion – shooting them from beneath a glass table. While the set up was the same, the experience was different.

Related: In Series, Photographer Captures the Important Role Dogs Play in the Office

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

“Cats think they are gods, since people feed, love and give them homes,” he says. “Dogs see humans as a god, as they feed, love and give them homes.”

Surprisingly, this made photographing cats a little easier, as they didn’t care about treats or people – they were just behaving how they normally would. Whereas, Burba was only able to photograph dogs in interesting poses because of treats.

“Dogs are dogs,” Burba tells This Dog’s Life. “They make our life more bright and beautiful.”

Related: Blowing in the Wind: Photographer Captures Dog’s Personality in Beautiful Series

Check out some of our favorite shots. And if you love what you see, you can order the book.

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Photo Credit: Andrius Burba

Related: Famous ‘Flower Power’ Series Gets Its First Ever Solo Show in the U.S.

By Andrea Huspeni

Andrea Huspeni is the founder and CEO of This Dog's Life. Her mission it to help dogs live a happier, healthier and longer life. When she isn't working, she spends time with her two dogs, Lola and Milo. She resides in Brooklyn, NY.

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