Pit Bull Beats Out Donkey and Cat to Become Mayor of Town

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

After a hard battle fought against a little boy, a cat, a chicken, and a donkey, a 3-year-old pit bull named Brynneth Pawltro (better known as Brynn) won the election for mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky. On the campaign trail, she promised to sniff out the town’s problems.

“Brynn decided to run initially as a joke, but then when her campaign began we switched gears, and it was really all for the sake of the town,” says owner Jordie Bamforth. “For Brynn, it was never about winning but being able to raise money for a place that is special to both myself and the dog.”

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

Residents paid $1 to vote, and could vote as often as they wanted. The money goes to town improvements. This year, the money will help restore the town’s General Store, which was destroyed in a fire.

Related: Mayor Dedicates a Fire Hydrant to Pit Bull With Incurable Disease

With a population of a little over 300 people, the town doesn’t really need a mayor although the election/fundraiser dates back to 1999. “The mayoral race began as a way to help raise money for the Historical Society so that the historical buildings could be maintained,” says Bamforth. “It is still the purpose of the election to this day.”

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

Brynn campaigned by going out into the community and asking for support, says Bamforth. Her affectionate, happy personality got her the votes. “She’s the best kisser I’ve ever met. She definitely is stubborn but still sweet as they come, gentle but tough enough to roll in the mud down by the river!” According to People magazine, Brynn received over 3,000 votes, winning the election by a landslide.

Brynn ran against some tough competition, says Bamforth. “But it was all in the name of a good time and for Rabbit Hash. She did receive some anonymous donations, but she campaigned all over Boone County to get all the dollars—I mean votes—that she could in three months.”

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

Related: For the Third Time Dog Elected Mayor of City

Bamforth believes that the people wanted to see a lovable pit bull, a maligned and misunderstood breed, become the official of the tiny river town that is beloved to both the dog and her owner.

Now that the election is over, Brynneth is ready to tackle the job. “Brynn’s duties have been to be a good dog and be a representation of her town and be a good breed advocate,” says Bamforth. “She just shows up, and that’s 90 percent of her job.”

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

Image Credit: Jordie Bamforth

She’s already received praise for her positive demeanor and her fabulous smile. Both dog and owner are looking forward to the job, says Bamforth. “I am excited to know that she gets to represent the Center of the Universe for the next four years.” According to, Brynn is the town’s fourth consecutive dog mayor.

Related: Human Rights Given to Dogs in Spanish Town

By Jillian Blume

Jillian Blume is a New York City–based writer whose feature articles have appeared in magazines, newspapers, and websites including the New York Observer, Marie Claire, Self, City Realty, the ASPCA,, Best Friends Animal Society, The Mayor’s Alliance for NYC’s Animals, The Pet Gazette, and many others.

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