Behind Every Successful CEO…Is a Dog?

A pug dog peeking out from behind a chair.

Successful executives cite a variety of reasons as to how they got to the top. Ivy league school, amazing network, the perfect internship, a mentor who believed in them and being in the right place, are just a few of the most popular reasons.

But now there is a new one to add to a list: a dog.

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Yes, we can now add another perk to having four-legged friends; they can make us a successful leader.

Indeed, 93 percent of C-suite executives in the U.S. grew up with a pet, with 78 percent saying having a pet as a child attributed in part to their success, according to a survey conducted by Kelton Research for Banfield Pet Hospital.

Having a dog (or any animal) as a child taught business leaders the skills needed to rise through the ranks. C-suite executives said their pets taught them valuable leadership skills, like discipline (92 percent), organization (79 percent) and the ability to anticipate the needs of the business (38 percent).

Related: Nationwide Program Matches Senior Dogs with Senior Citizens

­­“From the pet ownership lessons we learned as children, to the ways our four-legged friends currently help us evolve, connect with others, and stay grounded, our latest research supports the notion we’ve had all along – that there may be a link between pets and their ability to help shape us as people,” Brian Garish, president of Banfield Pet Hospital, said in a statement.

Approximately 1 in 4 executives said having a pet taught them more than their first internship. With a major theme centered around creativity. Eighty-four percent of business leaders who had a pet as a child described themselves as creative, where 77 percent said walking their dog helped with brainstorming and 59 percent said having a pet helped them think outside the box.

For those who didn’t have a dog as a kid, don’t worry: having a pup as an adult can also teach you some success skills. Eight-six percent of C-suite executives who currently have a pet said they are better at sticking to schedules, time management and multitasking.

Related: A Dog Photo That Both Tugs at Your Heartstrings and Makes You Smile Goes Viral

By Andrea Huspeni

Andrea Huspeni is the founder and CEO of This Dog's Life. Her mission it to help dogs live a happier, healthier and longer life. When she isn't working, she spends time with her two dogs, Lola and Milo. She resides in Brooklyn, NY.

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