Go Green With These 10 Products

A group of colorful plastic balls on a white background.

Whether we do it by recycling or composting, refraining from meat (hello CO2) or buying our produce locally, many of us do our part in contributing to the preservation of our environment — and we don’t have to stop with our pet needs. From vegetarian food formulas to 100 percent recyclable pet wear, this list makes it a little easier going green.

1. Himalayan Gold chew

Himalayan chews

“Bully” sticks are definitely a favorite among dogs but being made from bulls’ pecker (yes, it is true), they do feed into the whole CO2 problem that comes with raising animals for meat — and bully sticks. Enter Himalayan Gold chews. Made from lactose-free yak and cow’s milk, these all vegetarian sticks are a long-lasting alternative to traditional bully sticks. Plus, they are hypoallergenic.

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2. Natural Balance dental chews

natural blance chews

Kale and coconut oil have been huge foodie trends for us humans. Both are packed with various vitamins, minerals and fats that are good for our health, skin and hair. Well, the dog world wants to get in on this super-food craze too.

Natural Balance makes doggie dental health a priority with a vegetarian blended chew featuring kale and coconut oil. The maker claims these chews help support the immune system, fight plague and freshen breath.

3. BioBag pet waste bags


BioBag’s naturally biodegradable waste pick-up bags made from plant-derived resin, vegetable oils and compostable Mater-Bi polymers helps keep the wrong kind of matter from entering landfills.

4. Halo’s Healthsome dog biscuits in peanut ‘n pumpkin

halo vegetarian

These calcium-rich crunchy treats from Halo are high in protein and 100 percent vegetarian. Packed with yummy vegetables including broccoli, peas, apples, cranberries and sweet potatoes, the biscuits are low fat and gluten-free.

5. Olive Cookie treat cuatro

olive treats

Baked in small batches, these organic treats medley from Olive Cookie are wheat, corn and soy free, perfect for a pooch with allergies or a sensitive stomach. Plus, they are made of organic fruits, nutmeg, cage-free eggs and raw honey. The flavors include Happy Apple Snaps, Little Berry Bites, My Oh My Pizza Pie and Nutty ‘Nanners.

6. Earthdog hemp dog bed

hemp bed stack

Machine washable and filled with recycled poly-cotton material, this hemp dog bed from Earthdog comes in various colors and designs. And for those who don’t know, hemp is stronger than cotton, requires less water than cotton and is a natural repeller of weeds, often requiring few or no pesticides.

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7. Earthdog hemp harness

earthdog harness

Why not get an all hemp harness to match? The natural material softens with wear, providing your pal with maximum comfort. And as mentioned above, snagging one of these harnesses helps the environment, plus it is safer for consumers, as it has less chemical residue than cotton, according to Hemp Benefits. Oh, and it comes in 27 different styles.

8. Orbee-Tuff Orbee ball

orbee ball

Rating 5 out of 5 on the dog toy durability scale (i.e one tough toy), this buoyant ball from Orbee is recyclable. It also happens to be 100 percent guaranteed and has a minty taste.

 9. Eco Tushie pet wipes

eco tushie

Made with organic bamboo and housed in recyclable packaging, these cleansing wipes by Eco Tushie come enriched with aloe and Vitamin E — making wiping your dog’s behind a little less gross.

10. Reknitz sweaters

eco sweaters

Every sweater is made from 75 percent reclaimed cotton fibers, which helps save on water, fertilizers, dyes and land.

Related: A Beautiful Dog Bowl That is Eco-Friendly and Guaranteed for Life? Yes, Please.

By Krissy Howard

Krissy Howard covers New York City-based dog news, along with writing in-depth features, with a love for pit bull stories. She creates humorous content for her blog thankyourodserling and her work has appeared on The Hairpin, xoJane, and a few other places on the Internet.

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