When people think of Thailand often visions of crystal clear water, delicious food and beach villas come to mind. In other words, pure bliss. But often beach dogs make their way onto the sandy oasis and some aren’t in great shape as was the case with Leo.
During a trip to the Asian paradise, Meagan Penman noticed a dog (later named Leo) dragging his back feet on the beach. While the pup was in good spirits, his health was a different story.
“He was in horrible condition, he would have been dead within the month if I hadn’t moved him. I couldn’t find any rescues in Thailand to take him so I decided to bring him back to Canada,” she writes on user-generated news site Reddit.
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Penman later found out that Leo had been hit by a motorcycle when he was 6-months-old but his owner never took him to the vet. If he had, Leo would have probably lived a normal life. Instead, Leo had a broken back and was paralyzed, meaning he would never walk again.
Initially Penman turned to Thailand rescue groups to help Leo but had no luck. She realized his fate was depended on her actions, so she set up a fundraising account along with a Facebook page to raise money for his vet bills.
Not being able to leave this little guy begind, Penman arranged for Leo to come back to Canada with her. Now equipped with a wheelchair, it seems like Leo is just getting along just fine.
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