How Having a Dog Made These Famous People’s Lives Better

To The Rescue! - A woman holding a dog in front of a crowd of people in New York.

Celebrities, socialites and prominent public figures were dressed to the nines on Friday for the Humane Society’s annual New York gala event “To The Rescue! New York” at the famed Cipriani in Midtown Manhattan.

Marking the 60th anniversary of the animal advocate organization, the occasion was a time to spread awareness, raise money and honor a few that have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help animals.

Darren Aronofsky, the award-winning director behind Black Swan, The Wrestler and The Fountain, was honored for his use of CGI, not real animals, in his movie Noah. For Aronofsky, this move was a no-brainer as he stated in the past the conditions of animals on set are quite alarming and technology now allows for a more humane alternative.

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Darren Aronofsky

Darren Aronofsky Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

Also receiving accolades for their animal work were Olympian Gus Kenworthy, who is responsible for thrusting the stray dog epidemic in Russia into the spotlight during the Sochi Olympics along with former portfolio manager Brad Goldberg for his continuous work in animal welfare causes.

The bash also allowed attendees to rub shoulders with the real stars of the event: the animals. Strutting what their momma gave them, a few very brave dogs made their way down the red carpet and showed how a little TLC and a lot of love can do wonders for animals that may not have had the best start in life.

Amanda Heart’s dog Finn, a puppy mill dog, making his way down the red carpet. Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

Amanda Heart’s dog Finn, a puppy mill dog, making his way down the red carpet. Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

With so many animal lovers in one place, we asked how having a dog in their life made it better.

Theo Rossi: Actor currently starring in Sons of Anarchy as Juan Carlos “Juice”

Theo Rossi. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

Theo Rossi. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

“It is proven fact with science that people who have dogs live longer. That is not a lie. I have never lived a day in my life without a dog and had a ton of animals growing up.

It teaches you right away that you can’t be selfish because everything revolves around them. We will be out and could be having the greatest time in the world but we have to get back to our dogs. “

Arthur Benjamin: Entrepreneur, international investor and philanthropist

Arthur Benjamin. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

Arthur Benjamin. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

“Somebody once said God is dog spelled backwards. And it’s the unconditional love we believe comes from divinity can comes from a little furry animal and it brings it to your life every day.”

Amanda Hearst: Founder of Friends of Finn, philanthropist and heiress to the Hearst Corporation

Amanda Hearst. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

Amanda Hearst. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

“In every way really. I started a charity after him, and it just has been amazing.”

Related: The Moms of Tuna Melts My Heart, Toast Meets World and Friends of Finn Tell Us What National Pet Day Means to Them

Kimberly Ovitz: Fashion designer and daughter of former president of the Walt Disney Company, Michael Ovitz

Kimberly Ovitz. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

Kimberly Ovitz. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

“They bring joy to my life everyday. I couldn’t image a day without them.”

Dylan Lauren: Owner of Dylan’s Candy Bar and daughter of fashion designer, Ralph Lauren

Dylan Lauren. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

Dylan Lauren. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

“My dog is a little crazy, but I love her. She is so silly. She makes me laugh all the time. I mean she destroys all her toys. She loves to steal things in my room that she knows will get my attention. But it is just so much fun.”

Jane Velez-Mitchell: Television journalist and author

Jane Velez-Mitchell. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

Jane Velez-Mitchell. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

“I am filled with bliss from the moment I wake up when my girlfriend and I are in bed with the dogs. It is a lot of tails, a lot of paws and a lot of fun! There is nothing better. Every morning is Christmas.”

Georgina Bloomberg: Equestrian and daughter of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg

Georgina Bloomberg. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

Georgina Bloomberg. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

“We have always had dogs so I’ve never known a time in my life where haven’t had a dog. And it is so nice to have something there that is always happy to see you, can always give you love and is unconditionally loyal. I have always enjoyed having something to take care of, and it prepared me for motherhood.”

Related: Owners of Celeb Dogs Reveal Why They’re Thankful for Their Pups This Thanksgiving

Katie Sturino: Founder of Tinder PR, married to “The Fat Jew” and Toast Meets World’s mom

Katie Sturino, The Fat Jew and Toast. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

Katie Sturino, The Fat Jew and Toast. Photo Credit Stephanie Augello

“She is literally the most loving animal on the planet. All she does is want to lay with you. Plus, she helps spread the word about puppy mills and that has been really amazing, because we hear from people all the time, ‘I adopted a dog because I heard about Toast. Or I didn’t know you could adopt a full-breed dog until I heard about Toast.’”

Gus Kenworthy: Athlete and Olympian

Gus Kenworthy. Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

Gus Kenworthy. Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

“The companionship. It is so nice when you are home. When I am home with my dogs, I don’t want to go out; I just want to hang out with them.”

Paul Shaffer and daughter Victoria: David Letterman’s music director

Paul Shaffer. Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

Paul Shaffer. Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

“They are just so comforting; it is just as simple as that. They make you feel better.”

Dina Manzo: Reality star and entrepreneur

Dina Manzo. Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

Dina Manzo. Photo Credit: Stephanie Augello

“My Gracie doesn’t have any arms; she is a product of inbreeding. Every morning to start my day with her…she’s got this huge grin on her face and is the happiest dog. She doesn’t know any difference. She is so inspiring. She proves to me that anything is possible and to just have a good attitude. She is amazing.”

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By Andrea Huspeni

Andrea Huspeni is the founder and CEO of This Dog's Life. Her mission it to help dogs live a happier, healthier and longer life. When she isn't working, she spends time with her two dogs, Lola and Milo. She resides in Brooklyn, NY.

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