Perhaps, we have a mini dog whisperer on our hands?
In a video that has gone viral, having thousands of views on Facebook and more than 4 million on YouTube, a 4-year-old girl is shown preparing to feed six male pit bulls. But before these pooches have a chance to chow down on their kibble, she ensures each one obeys her every command, including sitting before eating. When a few start to stand, the girl claps her hands, and the dogs sit back down, waiting patiently for her to give the okay to eat.
Related: Special Needs Twins Get Early Christmas Present: A Disabled Pit Bull
The camerawoman, possibly the girl’s mother, says, “Six male pitbulls, some people say it could never be done. They live and eat together. We are a family. That was a four-year-old, who was able to tell those dogs what to do and when to do it.”
The narrator then signs off with ‘Love your pitbull’.
While the video is amazing, keep in mind, these dogs are very well trained. It is always important to supervise children around any breed.