10 Adorable Dog Videos That Will Melt Your Heart

A red heart-shaped object nestled in the snow.

For Valentine’s Day, some people like to curl up with chocolate, wine and a box of Kleenex binging on movies like You’ve Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle (basically a Meg Ryan-a-thon). Forget the sappiness. Instead, let’s celebrate the national day of love (or singleville) with adorable videos of puppies.

Apparently when hearts melt it comes out of your eyes in the form of salty water, who knew!?

Related: 10 Reasons to Heart a Dog Lover

1. You had me at “wrinkly bulldog.”

2. Ugh, he’s trying so hard. SOMEONE JUST GIVE HIM THE BALL!

3. Ahhh! Too. Much. Love. Also, that puppy in that hoodie closely resembles a tiny, naked elderly man…a cute one at that.

4. Puppies doing what they do best: destroying everything! And we love every minute of it.

5. More of the same, except these pups are in a bedding of wood chips, creating the illusion that they are actually guinea pig/puppy hybrids.

6. Literally nothing happens in this video. One of the puppies is actually asleep the entire time. But they move like slugs and their ears look like tiny Doritos, so they can stay.

Related: 14 Dogs That Are Totally Into Valentine’s Day

7. Started crying as soon as I saw “Lefty” — wasn’t able to rein in the tears from there.

8. Many people just can’t get enough of pugs, so what better video than one that is a compilation of these pups. But there’s a good chance these flicks show just a set of googly eyes glued to a bag of beans…no one will ever know for sure.

9. A therapy dog for toddlers? You can’t go wrong.

10. The song! It almost makes you forget that the fox definitely hunted and ate something to death that morning.

Related: In Video Owners Share The Love of Their New Puppy

Main image via Flickr

By Krissy Howard

Krissy Howard covers New York City-based dog news, along with writing in-depth features, with a love for pit bull stories. She creates humorous content for her blog thankyourodserling and her work has appeared on The Hairpin, xoJane, and a few other places on the Internet.

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